Narita has been professionally involved in Soba making because of the
high value of its taste and energy.
Mr. Nakazawa, SF Suginami member, has eSawaya Coffeef where he serves
only traditionally prepared high quality coffee. He says, gIt takes around
18 minutes to roast 20 Kg in 200 degree Celsius for me, while the large
companies can roast 200 Kgs. in 4 minutes. My coffee has very special
taste, different from taste of the modern fast production coffee.
Each and every student involved in the taste education class were very
curious, attentive and receptive. Every one ever ready for performing
something. I had had a short conversation with Izumi Murata, a girl from
grade 4 in SDES. Izumi, one of the 29 children in grade 4 said that she
enjoys preparing slow food. She does not like fast food. She likes cooking
at home. She helps others.
In fact, in my study, ghelping othersh is Japanese religion. Japanese
children are instilled for high value of cooperation, discipline, work,
self confidencec.
Ram Pant
Leader, SF Everest, Kathmandu, Nepal
share with Nancy that I felt 'at home' that we all met in Koenji's primary
school while your group has really shown me a lot about your activites.
The soba-making demo also inspired me - our HK convivium can also do the
same in other noodle or dimsum preparations to the slowfood members in
the future.
Many thanks to you, your charming wife and the entire team for taking
care of me especially coming all the way to have dinner with me in Shinjuku.
It's just mouth-watering even with a mention. And, I hope my absence on
the yokohama trip didn't cause you much inconvenience.
been in SF for almost a week now.
I had an extremely memorable meal at
French Laundry in Napa on Friday.
Those wines got me stuck /sleeping in the
car for 4 hours before I could drive again....I'll definitely write about
the meal and the wine pairing as I get more sober later.
to see those of you who'll be in Torino soon.
And in the meantime, do keep in touch.