Ram Pant
Leader, SF Everest, Kathmandu, Nepal
Event of the Taste Education and the Slow Sake evening on the 16th of
September had been a great success. The observation of slow farmyard of
Mr Karube on the 17th September was another important event to inspire
the slow lovers. Mr Shigeyuki Naritafs Soba preparation class at Suginami
Daiyong(No.4) Elementary School remained unforgettable. Involvement of
large number of SF members and other slow food lovers from Japan and Asia
Pacific countries shows the success of the Suginami Event-07. All the
success is due to the effective leadership of Mr. Toshiya Sasaki, Leader
of SF Suginami and Leader of Taste Education Committee of Slow Food Japan
and Mrs. Noriko Sasaki.
308 landed on the Narita Airport almost 2 hrs. after the scheduled time,
which made Mr. Sasaki wait for two longest hours to receive me. Since
it was my first visit to the grand country Japan, I would have got lost
without Mr. Sasaki.
was almost one pm. When Mr. Sasaki and me reached Suginami Daiyong Elementary
School (SDES) where the Taste Education was due to start.
was wondering in the dreamland- Japan. Moreover, the warm welcome, the
obeisance of the great Japanese people was just enough to melt my heart.
I remembered the saying of my teachers- gAll the branches fully contained
with fruits bow down to the earth. Others do not.h
Daiyong School has around 200 children. However, only around 25 children
of grade 4 were involved in the Taste Education class. Demonstration of
Soba making and Soba preparation by the Japanese Slow specialist Mr. Shigeyuki
Narita was something spell bounding.
In the class there was participation of around 25 students, 5/6 teachers
including the Principal of SDES, Slow leaders from Hong Kong, Hawaii,
Singapore, and Nepal and, a dozen of slow lovers, Leaders from Japan.
After the demonstration by Mr Narita we were divided into four groups-
A, B, C, and D. It was a just coincidence that we slow members from outside
Japan were in group A while performing the Soba Preparation. And, the
Japanese children of grade 4 were far better than the group A! Any way
we learnt it! Even Tested the Japanese Soba with traditional Soya Sauce,
which was prepared by Mr. Narita Himself. M. Narita had been to Nepal
15 years ago and found red flowering Soba (Buckwheat), which he introduced
into Japan. He has learnt different food items of the Soba prepared in
Nepal too.