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スローフード協会の新たな取組み:Coffee Coalition (スローフード・コーヒー連合)がスタート

“私たちの共通の目標は、倫理的・社会的に責任のあるバリューチェーンを構築することで、すべての人に「おいしい、きれい、ただしい(Good, Clean and Fair)」なコーヒーを提供することです」 ”。

“スローフードコーヒー連合は、コーヒーに関心のある供給・流通チェーンのすべての参加者に、マニフェストへの署名を呼びかけています。”そうすることで、「おいしい、きれい、ただしい(Good, Clean and Fair)」な製品の確保と享受に向けて、共に取り組んでいくことができます。

Lunch at Portugese Restaurant with Slow Food Macau members.

Lunch with Ann Leong and Canny Ho at a nice traditional Portuguese restaurant in Macau.
These two young lovely ladies are Vice-President and Founding Member of Macau Slow Food Association. Being inspired by a Belgian Professor at a university, they decided to start a Slow Food Convivia in Macau where almost all food coming from other part of China or from abroad, seeking how Good, Clean and Fair food is possible in this historical, mixed culture place standing in co-producer’s point of view.
Our Convivia has something in common with them, for Tokyo is a huge area which has only 1% food self-sufficiency rate.